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Camp Registration includes:

  • 8 Meals
  • 3 Night stay
  • Transportation to and from camp
  • Personal time with the Lord
  • Messages to touch your heart
  • Worship to focus your mind
  • Team building
  • Swimming
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Talent show
  • Time with friends
  • FUN!!

By Complete this form, you are agreeing the following:

Parent Agreement
I give permission for my student to go with the staff of Excel Christian School to their yearly retreat in Sonora, CA at Old Oak Ranch. While on this trip from May 23-26, 2017, I give permission for the Excel Christian School staff to make emergency decisions for my child.

I also agree that if my student does not follow the rules of camp and needs to return home that I will pick him or her up from the camp. If a student must leave camp due to their behavior, there is not a refund available. 

Student Agreement
I agree to follow the rules and expectations set up by Excel Christian School in pertains to how I act and what I bring with me to camp. I do understand that going to camp is a privilege and I commit to follow the staff and leadership in place.

What to Bring

  • Pillow
  • Towel
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Flashlight
  • Jacket
  • Camera
  • Shoes for hiking and sports
  • Bug Spray
  • Bible
  • Note pad
  • Sunscreen
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Spending money for Snack bar
  • Money to pay for food while traveling to and from camp
  • Toiletries including personal hygiene needs
  • $35 if you want to paint ball
  • The weather will be cool at night and so we encourage students to bring warm clothes
  • MEDICATION- Must be turned in and accounted for


One Set of Work Clothes

This year our students asked if we could stay one more day at the camp and we thought it would a great idea. However, we were worried about the cost of the camp. I spoke to the managers of the camp and they agreed to donate one day stay and the food on the final day in return for us to take on some small projects at the camp and help paint, remove debris, clean the river, and other jobs that we can take on as a team. Our final day will be a fun filled day of working as a team and helping the camp stay maintained. Please Bring Work Gloves- As a part of our curriculum we believe that all students must learn how to give back and this is a great opportunity.


 Do Not Bring

  • Weapons of any kind (no camping knives)
  • Drugs or Alcohol
  • Cigarettes or Vapor Pipes
  • Computers/ipads
  • Phones will not work at camp
  • A bad attitude. These won’t last as we are going to have a great time
  • If you are bringing a paint ball gun we must know about it ahead of time


2017 Summer Camp
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Registration opens: Thursday, April 27, 2017
Registration closes: Friday, May 19, 2017
Registration for this event is currently closed.